Featured NewsTrending NewsDevilish drone targets homeless


18 August 2023

WMUR-TV New Hampshire is reporting that a drone is bullying unhoused people in the city of Manchester. 

For months now, the diabolical drone—which is being operating by an unknown pilot—attempts to dump eggs, popsicles (?), and even (ugh) feces on homeless people.

"We keep seeing items dropped from the sky, and this deliberate harassment has become a regular thing—especially in areas where homeless people tend to congregate," said homeless advocate Dam Wright.

Manchester police have witnessed the drone buzzing around homeless encampments, but, apparently, the unidentified pilot has bad aim, as no one has actually been hit with debris. Still, Wright is concerned about the high-tech harassment.

"Sooner or later, they're going to drop something heavy, and it's going to hurt somebody," he said.

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