Featured NewsTrending NewsDonor Alliance Looks to make organ transportation by drone


03 November 2023

Donor Alliance—a Denver nonprofit—states that 1,500 people are waiting for organ transplants in Colorado and Wyoming right now. 

In many cases, the delivery speed of suitable organs can mean the difference between life and death.

Which is why Donor Alliance CEO Jennifer Prinz is looking to drones to do the job—and sooner than later.

“We had the opportunity to formally announce our partnership with 2THEDGE and our Matador Project that brings drone technology that's been proven and utilized in other areas to Colorado and Wyoming to help us improve and innovate in the space of moving specimens—and hopefully organs one day—throughout our two-state area,” said Prinz.

The Matador UAS Consortium the Donor Alliance is collaborating with claims they've delivered blood and medical supplies in other states for years, and is now ready to test their capabilities in hard-to-reach rural communities in Colorado and Wyoming.

"We're already doing the testing utilizing the existing railroad system—actually flying the drones over the railway tracks,” said Prinz. “If you're waiting on that organ transplant, every minute can count. And that's why I’m hoping maybe in the next five years, we could be able to fly an organ to a recipient in need."

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