Featured NewsTrending NewsDrone Captures Iceland Volcano Eruption


16 April 2024

The recent volcanic eruptions near the town of Grindavik, Iceland (population 3,800) have been documented by numerous videos and photographs. But Icelandic photographer Hordur Kristleifsson captured some incredible footage this month using a drone.

"Insane lavafall captured a few hours ago at Sundhnúkur eruption on Reykjanes Peninsula [April 7, 2024]," posted Kristleifsson on his Instagram page. "Today. the activity suddenly increased, causing the main crater to overflow. I immediately went to the site and captured some of my favorite shots so far."

Residents of Grindavik—which is approximately 30 miles from Iceland's capital of Reykjavik—were evacuated after the volcano's initial eruption in December 2023, and again a couple of weeks ago. The Svartsengi volcanic system had been sleeping for nearly 800 years when it awakened, announcing the end of its slumber with a series of earthquakes.



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