Featured NewsWhat's Next for the Drone Industry in 2022?


An end-of-year report from dronelife.com—quoting data from Drone Industry Insights—states that global drone regulations are evolving rapidly as we turn the corner into 2022.

And, yes, this is a good thing.

“This is a very welcome development, given that the drone industry sees regulatory framework as an important driving factor,"
said DRONEII Editor Ed Alvarado.

Some highlights:

United States. The FAA is on the cusp of defining rules for flight Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) after establishing the BVLOS ARC this year.  

Brazil. The government is simplifying drone registration.

China. Officials are publishing a new, risk-based regulation framework.

Korea. Significant movement towards urban air mobility is underway, continuing the progress made this year with trial flights and the government committment to an early implementation of passenger VTOL aircraft.   

Japan. Finalizing registration and BVLOS flight standards.

Everything points to progress towards global-drone integration, as well as an expansion of commercial drone operations.  

While these developments do not even begin to cover increasingly important topics such as certification, UTM-specific developments in various countries, or the evolution risk-assessment processes such as SORA, the latest drone regulations have taken crucial strides towards more BVLOS operations, operations over people, and operations at night.

We are rapidly approaching a time when most of the legislation necessary for large-scale drone operations will be in place.

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